
Providing support, guidance, and compassionate care during a difficult time.

Goodbyes are never easy. This is especially true for our furry family members. Here at Upper Bathurst, our team is made up of lifelong pet parents, and we can empathize with you during this stage of your pet’s life. Euthanasia or medically assisted death is a humane option for pets who are terminally ill or who have chronic pain and are no longer responsive to all other types of treatment. We will be with you every step of the way during this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to call us at 647-350-6666 for more information.

What happens during a pet euthanasia?

First, we will take you and your pet to a private room within our clinic. We will give you some time to say your goodbyes in private. Once you are ready and have let us know, the procedure can begin. Most veterinarians use medication like pentobarbital, which is administered via IV injection. The medications will make your pet fall into a peaceful sleep. Then, usually in less than three minutes, the drug will cause their heart and brain to stop functioning.

Will my pet be in pain during their euthanasia?

No. The medication will make your pet unconscious and unable to feel any sensations, before causing their organs to fail. It is a completely humane procedure and it will look as if your pet has fallen asleep. Since there is no movement or visible reactions from the patient, the veterinarian will often have to check the pulse to confirm the procedure is complete.

Can I cremate my pet after he or she is euthanized?

Yes. You are welcome to honour your pet’s memory however way you prefer. We know a number of service providers in the region that specialize in this. Please don’t hesitate to ask us and we can connect you with caring teams.

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